How do monsters procreate ?
(too old to reply)
Dan Simper
2005-01-19 03:34:01 UTC
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.

We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.

But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?

Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
2005-01-19 04:02:28 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Gelatinous cubes and mind flayers "bud" being asexual upon last account
from WotC and employees.

Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.

But most monsters I just go on the fly with and make up rules for existant
and non-existant reproduction methods. Some monsters I deem just dont
reproduce, they are parts of more sinister or accidental things (curses,
magical goof ups, permanent summoning rituals, acts of punishment from the
patheon, on and on).

It is all pretty much on a monster to monster basis that way I think.
2005-01-19 04:53:16 UTC
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Gelatinous cubes and mind flayers "bud" being asexual upon last account
from WotC and employees.
Oh, no. Mind flayers do something much more grotesque...

- Ron ^*^
The Black Guardian
2005-01-19 06:28:41 UTC
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Gelatinous cubes and mind flayers "bud" being asexual upon last account
from WotC and employees.
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.

The first theory was from Dragon #76 ("Ecology of the Beyonder").
Later, in Dargon #81, someone wrote a Forum letter noting flaws in the
"Ecology" report (thus the second theory, and third).
In Dragon #93, there was "Ecology of the Eye of the Deep," which had
them as laying eggs.
Dragon #139 had the "Ecology of the Spectator," which stated that sages
were stumped, as they could find no means of reproduction in any

This info is quite old, so maybe there has been an update.
2005-01-19 07:51:47 UTC
Post by The Black Guardian
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
The first theory was from Dragon #76 ("Ecology of the Beyonder").
Later, in Dargon #81, someone wrote a Forum letter noting flaws in the
"Ecology" report (thus the second theory, and third).
In Dragon #93, there was "Ecology of the Eye of the Deep," which had
them as laying eggs.
Dragon #139 had the "Ecology of the Spectator," which stated that sages
were stumped, as they could find no means of reproduction in any
This info is quite old, so maybe there has been an update.
"I, Tyrant" covers this.

Beholders have precisely one orifice -- their mouth. Beholders
reproduce asexually. To a witness, it looks like a parent beholder
vomits up a bunch of tiny child beholders. It probably immediately
kills a few, those that it can see are obviously deviant mutants
(because every beholder believes that it is the only true beholder form,
and any beholders that look different are blasphemies; also, beholders
evolve quickly and children often look different from parents), and
enslaves the rest.

As these baby beholders grow up, some of them will begin to change
appearance. The lucky ones escape. The unlucky ones are killed by the
parent or siblings.
"You do your arguments no favor by insulting those you ought persuade."
--Greg Stolze, Rites of the Dragon
2005-01-19 12:26:46 UTC
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Gelatinous cubes and mind flayers "bud" being asexual upon last
Post by |UED|BtDMH
from WotC and employees.
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
The first theory was from Dragon #76 ("Ecology of the Beyonder").
The first Dragon I ever bought was #76. IIRC, it had an excellent article
on the nine hells as well.

2005-02-13 20:33:05 UTC
Post by The Black Guardian
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
Actually, they're magically created by a room-sized Diabolical engine,
the center of which is the severed head of John Romero.

2005-02-14 03:18:30 UTC
Post by c***@antisocial.com
Post by The Black Guardian
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
Actually, they're magically created by a room-sized Diabolical engine,
the center of which is the severed head of John Romero.
I thought that was Oremor Nhoj's head, not that you could see it
without IDSPISPOPD; cheater.

Aspie at work, sorry in advance.
2005-02-25 12:59:01 UTC
Post by tussock
Post by c***@antisocial.com
Post by The Black Guardian
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
Actually, they're magically created by a room-sized Diabolical engine,
the center of which is the severed head of John Romero.
I thought that was Oremor Nhoj's head, not that you could see it
without IDSPISPOPD; cheater.
IDCLIP, acksherly, being D2 and all.
2005-02-26 03:38:23 UTC
Post by Talen
Post by tussock
Post by c***@antisocial.com
Post by The Black Guardian
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
It's all highly theoretical. The three competing theories are 1)
hive-mothers lay eggs, 2) beholders, upon reaching a certain age,
divide into two (or more) baby beholders, and 3) both.
Actually, they're magically created by a room-sized Diabolical engine,
the center of which is the severed head of John Romero.
I thought that was Oremor Nhoj's head, not that you could see it
without IDSPISPOPD; cheater.
IDCLIP, acksherly, being D2 and all.
That's how you young'ns spell it since v1.666, but it's still
propley pernounced "IDSPISPOPD".
Now off with you, before I get out the IDCHOPPERS.

Aspie at work, and don't call me Shirly.
2005-01-19 14:00:23 UTC
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Gelatinous cubes and mind flayers "bud" being asexual upon last account
from WotC and employees.
Really? i never heard that. I don't mind it, really, but I think io
prefer mind flayers laying eggs in standing pools of water for some
Post by |UED|BtDMH
Beholders I havent ever heard of reproduction methods.
But most monsters I just go on the fly with and make up rules for existant
and non-existant reproduction methods. Some monsters I deem just dont
reproduce, they are parts of more sinister or accidental things (curses,
magical goof ups, permanent summoning rituals, acts of punishment from the
patheon, on and on).
It is all pretty much on a monster to monster basis that way I think.
I would say that beholders are brought into being for some reason.
Some god or powerful evil creates them or they are caused of massive
destruction or huge evil. Like a truly terrible spirit made flesh.
Big Wally Paladin
2005-01-19 04:57:43 UTC
One day the mummy monster loved the daddy monster in a very special way...
and the mummy monster gave the daddy monster a very special hug... and the
baby monster appeared in the mummy monster's tummy... and one day the baby
monster came out the mummy monster's belly button... and every body had a
big cuddle and lived happily ever after.


PS (until...)
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Rump Ranger
2005-01-19 07:03:55 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Mind flayers procreate much like amphibians do by dropping "tadpoles"
into the communal brain's broth. That was at least what official D&D
products have said. As for gelatinous cubes, they're probably created.
As for beholders, they multiply like insects with a hive mother
spawning them (at least according to Spelljammer products).

As for others, that's all dependant on a case by case basis.
Post by Dan Simper
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Jeff Goslin
2005-01-19 08:31:01 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
It helps if you listen for the
"wicka-wicka-woooowww-wicka-wicka-wicka-wicka-wooooowww" soundtrack.

Looking for a plumber's cart in front of the neighborhood orc tart's house
is usually a dead giveaway too. "You see, it was just this.... human
head.... in.... your... dispo-.... *wicka wicka*"
Jeff Goslin - MCSD - www.goslin.info
It's not a god complex when you're always right
2005-01-19 10:48:24 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
Troll O Meter

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| | | | | | | | | | |

It was done better (and much more entertaining) in Dragon many many years
2005-01-19 13:58:33 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
mindflayers have genders and reproduce, I would imagine, like a mamal.
Or with eggs. Your call, probably. there's a mindflayer slayer guide
for reference.

I don't think gellatinous cudes reproduce. Don't they just spread?
Actually, if they need to reproduce they probably divide asexually.
Hong Ooi
2005-01-19 14:03:01 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
Heavens, man, you don't destroy their offspring. You find the respawn point
and camp. Don't they teach kids anything these days?
***@zipworld.com.au | STRATEGY GAME!!!"
http://www.zipworld.com.au/~hong/dnd/ | -- RR
Sydney, Australia |
Rump Ranger
2005-01-20 07:41:08 UTC
Post by Hong Ooi
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
Heavens, man, you don't destroy their offspring. You find the respawn point
and camp. Don't they teach kids anything these days?
How many MUDS have you been playing?
2005-02-13 21:06:23 UTC
Post by Hong Ooi
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
Heavens, man, you don't destroy their offspring. You find the respawn point
and camp. Don't they teach kids anything these days?
Yeah, sure, and if the monsters respawn *in place*, what then,

(Never made it without GODMODE...)

2005-01-21 13:02:02 UTC
It should be taken into account that many monsters are possibly magical
creations, and as such need not abide to the natural laws for the
procreation of macro-scale organisms.

For instance, a gelantinous cube is a type of ooze, oozes have no
intelligence score and a wisdom score of 1, from this we can infer that
oozes probably do not have sexual relations, they are sexless, and one
could argue that oozes, not being sentient, are nothing more than
minerals with a purpose.

The closest analogy that springs to mind is that of cellular mitosis,
in which case a given ooze would create offspring by splitting itself
into two equal parts, each part taking on an existence of its own.

Another option would to treat oozes not as living organisms, but as
mineral corrosives, animated by magic in some way, in this case we have
do not have no procreation, one could hypothezise that oozes, while not
being able to procreate, are able to increase their mass through some
acidic means.

For instance, you have 20 gallons of ooze, crawling through a dungeon,
it happens upon a hapless adventurer, which it promptly devoures.
Let's suppose the adventurer, with assorted gear weighs in at 250
pounds, let's also assume a pound/gallon ratio of 100/5, that is, for
every 100 pounds of mass the ooze devours, it gains 5 gallons of ooze.
We would now have 22.5 gallons of ooze creeping about.

Now let's examine another scenario, in which the adventurer encountered
is not so hapless. He sees the ooze in time and decides, for some
nefarious purpose, to scoop up some of it into his handy flask. He gets
2 gallons into his flask until he is forced to retreat. We now have 2
oozes, 18 gallons on the floor and 2 in the flask, each intent on
exploiting the laws of conversion detailed above.

Thus a possible system of procreation emerges for mineral oozes.
Adventurers need not always be involved, parts of an ooze may slide
down a hole and whatnot.
Mr. M.J. Lush
2005-01-21 14:25:16 UTC
Post by gzzzur
It should be taken into account that many monsters are possibly magical
creations, and as such need not abide to the natural laws for the
procreation of macro-scale organisms.
For instance, a gelantinous cube is a type of ooze, oozes have no
intelligence score and a wisdom score of 1, from this we can infer that
oozes probably do not have sexual relations, they are sexless,
I don't think we can infer that much, microorganism do have
sex (ie exchange of genetic material) and in the case of the
the F plasmid 'maleness' is infectious
Post by gzzzur
and one
could argue that oozes, not being sentient, are nothing more than
minerals with a purpose.
That does not stop them being alive, there motile, consume food,
respond to there envroment and reproduce.

If they have an equivilant of genetic material they can have sex
NPC rights activist | Nameless Abominations are people too.
Joseph Michael Bay
2005-01-22 01:30:09 UTC
Post by Mr. M.J. Lush
Post by gzzzur
It should be taken into account that many monsters are possibly magical
creations, and as such need not abide to the natural laws for the
procreation of macro-scale organisms.
For instance, a gelantinous cube is a type of ooze, oozes have no
intelligence score and a wisdom score of 1, from this we can infer that
oozes probably do not have sexual relations, they are sexless,
I don't think we can infer that much, microorganism do have
sex (ie exchange of genetic material) and in the case of the
the F plasmid 'maleness' is infectious
Interesting. Those bacteria don't *have* to "mate", but they can.
(I think it's about as useful an analogy to think of the F plasmid
as a complex and rather benign virus -- instead of forming capsids
it forms a pilus (boioioing!) to infect other cells.) Of course
oozes are probably more like slime molds, which are more or less
made up of a whole bunch of protists fused together.
"Whoso would be a man must be a HEY LET'S GO RIDE OUR BIKES!"
- "Self-Reliance", by Ralph Waldo Emerson (first draft)
Joe Bay Stanford University Your ad here
2005-01-22 08:50:42 UTC
Monsters can only procreate if they love each other very much and get

Unwed stone ropers wear gold rings enscribed with "True Tentacle Sex
can WAIT"
2005-01-24 21:09:13 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
This is an important question, because if you have a severa
monster-plague in the kingdom you need to destroy their offspring.
We know that reptilian monsters like dragons or snakes lay eggs and
mammals probably procreate like mammals on Earth.
But what about obscure monsters like gelatinous cubes, beholders,
mindflayers and the zillion others ?
Do they have two sexes, genitals and baby monsters?
However you need them to.

Seriously, if someone comes up with a canon answer that doesn't
suit your dramatic needs, arn't you going to ignore it?
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