hardly. The only abuse going here is the way I am making you into my
bitch, showing what an ignorant jerk off you are and how sadly stupid
you are, thus representing teh average inbred American of Mexican
ancestry (that's what you are isn't it? besides your black heritage I
What the fuck is "representing teh"? What does that mean? What is your problem
with Mexicans and Afro-Americans? Your not only a filthy Arab goat fucker your
a racist cocksucker too. you really are the bottom of the barrel. The more
communication I have with you the more I am convinced that you and your entire
race should be purged from the face of the earth.
<Your mother was a goat that your nameless,
faceless father fucked in the desert. >
heh heh heh, funny you sound just like you copied that line from the
"three amigos". What an unoriginal, dumb american/Mexican fart you are,
can't even come up wtih anything of your own (but then again neither
can America, always importting all teh science and greatest minds from
all over the world to compensate for all the MEXICANS like you).
What the hell is the three amigos? You ignorant, unwashed, goat fucking tent
dweller. What is your obsession with Mexicans? Is that your new word for the
day? Your vocabulary is really expanding. Your mommy, the Nubian goat princess
must be so proud.
<The reason why Arab men fuck goats is
because Arab women are so god damn ugly. You can't look at them without
your lunch. Thats why you keep them wrapped up in those black sacks. >
So you're saying that according to your experiences with Arab men, they
wouldn't even fuck your whore mom because she was so damn uggly? Damn
that's sad, Arabs are probably the eggliest fucks in the world, next to
your ancestry (Mexican American)
What is this shit falling out of your deranged head? What the fuck is "uggly"?
Ugly is spelled with one g. You are not even capable of copying correctly.
Also what do you mean when you wrote "the eggliest fucks in the world"? Does
that mean that you Arabs also lay eggs?...Holy shit, your not only crossed
with goats, your ancestors fucked chickens too. I can see you seudo-Persians
love your barnyard sex. You sick pervert, now all we need to do throw a cow
and a pig in the mix and you sex life will be complete.
You wouldn't know because you never got diagnosed. Normal people don't
deal with burning sensations when they piss, like you.
That was a completely asinine statement. Its really amazing how you have no
clue just how pathetic you are.
heh heh heh the day when some American/Mexican asshole corrects me,
pigs will fly. And get off your high horse already you jerk off, just
because you watched sesame street and learned your abc's doesn't make
you into a teacher( or do you also suffer from delusions in addition to
sexual disfunction and drug addiction?)
Holy fucking shit, the above paragraph is almost complete and coherent. You
even spelled most of the words correctly. Very good Goat Boy. Other than the
fact its an atrociously racist and the punctuation sucks, its pretty good.
Absolutely untrue, but technically not bad. Tell me, who wrote it for you?
Was it a group effort on your herd's part. Did you all put your pointy micro-cephalic
heads together to come up with that dog shit statement. You know what butt
plug? If you keep improving with your English skills maybe one day you'll earn
that GED. Then you would the smartest of your tribe. But who are we kidding,
You couldn't even pass a 4th grade spelling quiz. Your last few posts prove
that. Your just an filthy, pathetic, Arab, barnyard animal diddler and thats
as good as it gets for your kind.
Goes to show how stupid you American/Mexicans really are. Guess waht
JERK OFF, I AM ZOROASTRIAN and not a pig mohammedan, that filthy cult
related to that sewer religion you follow, worshipping some Jewish guy
on a popsicle so fuck you ignorant Mexican/American redneck!
Zoroastrian, get it? I am a native Persian you fuckwit!
If your Zoroastrian then you might just have some redeeming qualities after
all. Except for your blatantly racist attitude.
Do you remember this passage? The rights of fellow men.
"That nature alone is good which shall not do unto another whatever is not
good for its own self."
"And this, too, was considered by them, that one should become the friend of
every man, and this is thy nature; also should bring them forward into a good
life, and this is thy wisdom; also think of them as thine own, and this is
thy religion; and, through them, bring happiness unto thyself, and this is
thy very soul."
If you do remember it, you sure as hell don't practice it. Your a hypocrite,
you are also a liar and by your own teachings condemned. You are no true Zoroastrian.
You only claim that right in order to eascpe the bonds of Islam. I know you
and your kind, you have no idea what it is to be a true believer.
DO NOT pretend to understand what I believe in. NEVER EVER INSULT ME BY IMPLYING
THAT I AM A CHRISTAIN OR A JEW! you have no idea of who or what I am. Your
limited mind couldn't even grasp the concept of what I believe in. As for calling
Jesus a Jew on a popsicle, well you dug your own grave on that one. You better
hope that some crazy Christain fundamentalist doesn't get hold of you. Because
they will stick one of those popsicles so far up your Zoroastrian ass Christ's
toes will be tickling your tonsils. You had best watch that kind of talk. This
is a very Christian land and politcally a very Christian time.
I tell you this for your own welfare. An Arab Individual spouting anti-Christian
crap in the U.S. today is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Do you get my meaning Goat Boy? I would hate to have somthing happen to you.
I would miss these little character assignations.
Oh, what the hell is a fuckwit? Is that another Persian word?
You fucking degenerate Mongoloid Mexican you, I AM ZOROASTRIAN, proof
that my people neither died out, nor lost their beliefs. You on the
other hand, with your Mongoloid features and mentality are the perfect
example of the ongoing genetic and mental legacy of Mongolian
Here we go again with the Mexican shit, and look, now we added Mongolian people
to your list of people you hate. So you also are prejudice against orientals
too. Does the racism ever end with you?
Oh..yah..Now I remember somewhere around the 13th century the armies of the
Great Kahn slaughtered the your Persian ancestors and they over ran Persia.
I understand that the slaughter was so bad that it took almost 200 years for
the population to return to pre-mongol invasion levels.
That would explain the rage towards Mongolians.
Hey, dude don't live in the past. You goat fuckers have more important problems
than Mongols to worry about. They left the job unfinished. Someone else is
going to have to finish it. I wonder who that will be?
Really Mongoloid slenteyed Hun?
What the fuck is "slenteyed"? Do you mean slant eyed? You ignorant fuck, Why
don't you pray to Mithra for the magical ablity to spell. Because I think thats
what its going to take to get you fucking head on strait.
PERSIAN Empire jerk off MONGO, look up names like Khwarazmi, Sina,
Razi, Khayam, Biruni etc...PERSIANS who taught yuour barbarian
ancestors Mathematics, astronomy and science. Their books were taught
in European universities of the renaissance...but then again you
wouldn't know about the Renaissance in Europe, your Hun barbarain
Mongoloid ancestors were just landing at Ellis Island, trying to make a
living for themselves by working as saloon whores and stable boys.
Thank you, thank you for teaching us unwashed hords your wisdom. Thank you
for teaching us Mathematics and science. It's a shame they couldn't teach you
Arabs how to wash or spell.
Don't try and preach to me about renaissance Europe what does an Arab dirt
scatcher know about European history. While your ancestors were busy making
mad passionate love to your goats we were learning mathematics, science, engineering,
and medicene. Thats why the west is where it is today and places like the Middle
East are nothing more than 3rd world shit holes populated by uneducated, unwashed
By the way, My grandparents did come through Ellis Island. Both my grandfathers
were dye masters. They worked in the silk and textile industries. They came
here with worthwile technical skills. What did you come here with besides a
pocket full of sand and goat shit on your shoes.
obviously you have nothing to offer society. Your ignorant as hell, your unteachable,
racist and foul mouthed. I guess your just another name on the welfare rolls.
What I really want to know is how did you become a citizen? Who in the dept.
of emigration did you blow? Or did you marry some blind LA. crack whore? If
I find out who let you in here I'll see to it that your both deported.
Yeah, right. Get a lesson in history Mongoloid Hun bastard. Your
ancestors were getting the SHIT kicked out of them by Germans and
Romans at the Catalaunian Fields in eastern France MONGO (I'll just
call you Mongo for short) while my Persian ancestors Shapur, Ardeshir,
Khosro etc...were decimating Roman legions at Barbalisus, Meshik,
Pirouz Shapur, Tisfun, Edessa etc...
Get a lesson in history they weren't Germans they were Visigoths the Goth tribes
originated much farther north than Germania. You ASSHOLE! Then the following
year the Huns destroyed Aquileia and its Roman defenders.
Decimating weakened Roman legions at the end of Rome's influence in worthless
border skirmishes. What happened near Nineveh? Chosroes the 2nd got his goat
scratching ass wipped by Emperor Heraclius. What the fuck happened at Granicus,
Gaugameta (Arbela), Issus, the fall of Persepolis Alexander kicked your ass.
I already mentioned YOUR people, the Arabs, the Mongols and I think the Turks
were in there somewhere too.
They all kicked your suedo-Persian asses. It appears that you people couldn't
fight off a cold.
peasant, what is 'HIDIOUS"??? DId you find that in the same dictionary
as "PERSAIN, JANOTOR AND OTEHRS? You filthy Mongolian douche bag, you
truly are a degenerate retard!!!!! Go back to special school and learn
English you fucking Gypsy/Hun/Mexican hillbilly degenerate you!!!!
HIDEOUS is the correct spelling, you should know, that's what girls
called you all your life you degenerate slent eyed subhuman!
You are without a doubt the most racist, foul mouthed, Illiterate, piece of
whale shit on this rock. I hope someone stops you from breeding before you
have a chance to spred your filth. I'll bet even your semen is so polluted
with your hate that it shrivels up in your crotch before it can spews forth
from your diseased willy. If you hate everyone so much why are you here? Go
back to Iran and take your scum sucking brood with you. WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE.
you DUMB FUCKWIT, go back to learning your ABC's. Jim Henson God rest
his soul would truly roll over in his grave if he knew how badly his
program failed in teaching MONGOLOID subhuman degenerate UNTERMENSCHEN
like yourself!!!!!!
Degenerate subhuman trash, result of deficient genetic material you!
You seem to know allot about Hitler's philosophy and terminology. But what
could I expect from a degenerate racist Arab like yourself. This is another
situation where you should just shut the fuck up and crawl back under your
rock and don't come out until I tell you to.
As far as genetic material goes, there isn't enough human DNA left in you and
your people to even classify you as subhuman. scientists could build a better
human with the genetic code from head lice than they could from all the DNA
in all the Iranians in Tehran.
I'm done with you, Take my advice go back to Iran and be part of the body count.
The storm is comming and it's not going to be over for quite awhile.