Yes you do subscribe, I receive these emails and threads in my inbox, I
do not surf the web for them.
If I want it to stop (witch I don't at this point) I would have to
Anyway, I never did complain about the email service only about its
One likes to receive relevant information especially when they were
advertised that way to start with.
I hope You are following me here.
If I want to receive stupid office jokes, I will subscribe to a joke
related newsgroup.
But my only interest is the exchange of serious information from others
in the herpetology or arachnology hobby.
First hand experience from others with simillar specimen.
And it wasnt a complain, it was a observastion.
I was really hoping this is a serious news group.
If this place turn out to be a joke place, I will unsubscribe.
Some messages or thread had some pretty interesting stuff.
Lets concentrate on the good stuff!
Isn't this place moderated?
Mysterious, Fascinating And Beautiful Little Arachnid, Forever
Misunderstood And Misjudged.
Link To The Canadian Arachnid News Group