How long is the penis of Judge Dredd ? ? ? ? ?
(too old to reply)
Dan Simper
2005-02-06 02:58:55 UTC
I wonder how big his willy is.
2005-02-06 03:24:38 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
I dunno, but I think now is good time to drop the old judicial muscle gag
: )
scojo reborn
2005-02-06 03:30:05 UTC
Did someone mention Robert Patrick? No? Oh, must have sausages on my

2005-02-06 10:14:25 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
7.5" - Justice Department Standard Regulation Issue - Mark 1

Mark 2 is Voice activated with integrated guidance system.
Tech department love it, but it's not going down well with Street Jocks.
Phil Smith
2005-02-06 16:44:17 UTC
Post by Justice
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
7.5" - Justice Department Standard Regulation Issue - Mark 1
Mark 2 is Voice activated with integrated guidance system.
Tech department love it, but it's not going down well with Street Jocks.
"Look, we think the Mark 2 stands on its own merits!"
"That's the drokkin' problem, creep..."
2005-02-07 23:23:30 UTC
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
You're not one of these "closet gay" straight guys who checks out the crotch
area of everything he sees?

Spread your ass-cheeks and be done with it! OzBob
Phil Smith
2005-02-09 02:20:35 UTC
Post by OzBob
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
You're not one of these "closet gay" straight guys who checks out the crotch
area of everything he sees?
Spread your ass-cheeks and be done with it! OzBob
Nah, if we were *really* serious, I daresay a discussion about girth
would also be taking place...
2005-02-09 07:58:52 UTC
Would Joe recommend tighter underpants to take your mind off it?
Post by OzBob
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
You're not one of these "closet gay" straight guys who checks out the
crotch area of everything he sees?
Spread your ass-cheeks and be done with it! OzBob
Nah, if we were *really* serious, I daresay a discussion about girth would
also be taking place...
2005-02-09 16:42:46 UTC
Post by Phil Smith
Nah, if we were *really* serious, I daresay a discussion about girth
would also be taking place...
Surely you're just /asking/ for a comment about condoms that are one
size too small?

Phil Smith
2005-02-10 03:30:08 UTC
Post by A.Cow
Post by Phil Smith
Nah, if we were *really* serious, I daresay a discussion about girth
would also be taking place...
Surely you're just /asking/ for a comment about condoms that are one
size too small?
Honestly! Would anyone here, being the fine-minded and clean-thinking
citizens they are, ever countenance such filth on this newsgroup?

On another completely unrelated topic, does anyone know how the best way
to extract hamsters?
2005-02-10 20:12:28 UTC
Post by Phil Smith
On another completely unrelated topic, does anyone know how the best way
to extract hamsters?
No, but I do know a way to extrude them, which is not a pleasant thought.

Phil Smith
2005-02-11 06:50:11 UTC
Post by A.Cow
Post by Phil Smith
On another completely unrelated topic, does anyone know how the best
way to extract hamsters?
No, but I do know a way to extrude them, which is not a pleasant thought.
Do tell.
2005-02-21 06:11:21 UTC
Or perhaps - judges have their penis removed, but their testicles kept. The
testicles are then adapted so as to keep the male judges on optimum hormone
levels for peak performance nonstop.

This area would then be covered by urine handling device, like a sponge.
This explains why, no matter what, no-one ever saw a judge's tackle under
their tights.
Post by Justice
Post by Dan Simper
I wonder how big his willy is.
7.5" - Justice Department Standard Regulation Issue - Mark 1
Mark 2 is Voice activated with integrated guidance system.
Tech department love it, but it's not going down well with Street Jocks.
2005-02-22 01:41:09 UTC
Post by Ant
Or perhaps - judges have their penis removed, but their testicles kept. The
testicles are then adapted so as to keep the male judges on optimum hormone
levels for peak performance nonstop.
Which creates some interesting theories about the older Judge Giant's
extrajudicial liasion...

