The supposedly produced "B.S." is called Amiga "content".
If you're trying to eliminate those one in a zillion content producers
on the Web that know a lot about the Amiga and dare to talk
about it, you're the one hammering the nails into it's coffin.
If you think the Amiga has no business whatsoever
with the Microsoft-vs.-Opensource discussion, and the
absolute inablillity of users to live without Microsoft
products, i suspect you're the kind of Amiga user that
is "still" using it, and not truly "indefinitely" using it
and CONSCIOUSLY doing so. The Amiga's survival and future has
everything to do with Opensource, the ability to integrate into
networks and remote accessibility of network resources.
It's amazing there's INTIMIDATION of Amiga users
by other Amiga users. Have you got any clue how much
COURAGE it takes to defend the Amiga in the Microsoft
dominated public?
Consider the indisputably true fact that IBM salesman,
even senior high ranking salemen, don't DARE anymore to
suggest IBM's own OS/2 operating system to their customers.
They instead go the "politically correct" way of eliminating
OS/2 from their knowledgebase and pretend just to know about Wintel.
They ARE talking about Linux, but this was not the case until
it became "politically correct" .
Now that being true with OS/2, it's all the more a SIN, a CRIME
to use the word "Amiga" in the Wintel dominated society of today.
I doubt any of you would have the courage to name Amiga knowledge
in a job interview, or to suggest to your employer to use Amigas.
They'll LAUGH at you, remembering "yes, the Amiga500, in the good old
days...". It's always easier NOT to speak up, to go the "politically
way, to use an Amiga but not endangering your private and business
relationships by either also using a PC or pretending to do so. Just
go on like that, this is how today's hardware landscape became what it
It just strikes me how true it is what you just said. I'm responding
with a whole lot of content that must seem like B.S. to the obviously
not conscious ignorants here...